TF阅读真题第873篇Debating the Agricultural Diet
Debating the Agricultural Diet An affluent society is one in which resources are ordinarily not scarce and most society members have achieved a general level of econ...
说明: 1.包含听说读写部分。 2.听力部分提供答案及听力原文。 3.口语部分只提供综合部分听力原文。 4.阅读部分提供答案。 阅读部分: 阅读第147套第1篇Accounting for the High Density o...
TF阅读真题第872篇Prosperity in British North America
题目: Prosperity in British North America The British colonies of North America developed at a remarkable pace throughout the later colonial period. ...
TF阅读真题第871篇Carbon Dioxide Levels in the Ocean
题目: Carbon Dioxide Levels in the Ocean The concentration of carbon dioxide gas (CO2) is rising in the atmosphere, and some of this CO2 is taken up by ocean surface waters. To ...
TF阅读真题第870篇Classical Greek Tragedy
Classical Greek Tragedy In 534 B.c.E. the city-state of Athens in what is today Greece added performances of tragedies to its annual festival honoring the go...
TF阅读真题第869篇Temperate Plant Phenology
Temperate Plant Phenology Phenology is the timing of growth and reproductive activity within a year, and it can vary greatly among plant species, populations, and even indiv...
说明: 1.包含听说读写部分。 2.听力部分提供答案及听力原文。 3.口语部分只提供综合部分听力原文。 4.阅读部分提供答案。 阅读部分: 阅读第146套第1篇Group Foraging https://sh...
TF阅读真题第868篇 Greek Art in the Classical Age
Greek Art in the Classical Age Greek art is thought to have reached its peak during the Classical period in the fifth century B.C.E. Leading up to this period, the most co...
WS 100L4
听力音频: WS 100听力音频 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzg3MTg0NDM1Ng==&mid=2247506766&idx=3&sn=8e369007dfaeabdd79f8e2382242fa44&scene=21#wechat_redirect ...
WS 100C2
听力音频: WS 100听力音频 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzg3MTg0NDM1Ng==&mid=2247506766&idx=3&sn=8e369007dfaeabdd79f8e2382242fa44&scene=21#wechat_redirect ...