1. Why does the woman want to speak with the man?
To answer questions that he has about an application process
To recommend sources of funding for his research project
To inform him that his proposal has been rejected
To discuss an aspect of a proposal he submitted
2. What are the largest expenses in the research that the man wants to conduct?(多 选题)
The purchase of special filters for collecting microbeads
The rental of a specially equipped boat for gathering water samples
The use of special laboratory equipment
The fee for an expert to help analyze the research results
3. What attitude does the woman express about the man’s plan to conduct research in the ocean?
She is sure that the research could be conducted at a different site.
She is sure that the research will be funded.
She is worried that the man would not find evidence of microbead pollution in the ocean.
She is surprised that the man has already received permission to conduct ocean research.
4. Why does the woman mention a water-treatment plant?
To help explain why microbead pollution is decreasing
To suggest a location where the man could collect water samples
To identify where the man could consult with local experts
To remind the man of the regulations that apply to collecting water samples
5. What will the man probably do next?
Discuss his research idea with another faculty advisor
Examine some microbeads under an electron microscope
Consider ways to revise his application for a grant
Begin collecting water samples at a nearby body of water