1. Why does the man go to the career center?
A. To provide feedback on a workshop he recentiy attended
B. To submit hes resume for a job in the career center
C. To get help preparing for a job search
D. To lean more about an internship opportunity
2. According to the woman, what aspect of a job interview usually coneerns students most?
A. How to obtain an interview
B. What to expect during an interview
C. Ways to highlight one’s strengths during an interview
D. How to effectively negotiate a salary during an interview
3. What does the woman say about the job in Ashlington? [Click on 2 answers)
A. It offers approxmately the same pay as the intermship is open to students who have not yet graduated
C. It could tum into an opportunity for a more permanent job
D. It might require more design experience than the man has
4. Why does the woman mention the career center’s Web site?
A.To indicate where the man can lean about the center’s workshops
B.To indicate where the man can submit his applcation for the internship
C.To sucgest that the man look at sample portfolios posted there
D. To sugoest that the man look there for additional job postings
5. What is the woman’s opinion about photographs of student art submitted with job applications?
[Click on 2 answers)
A. They do not need to be taken by a professional photograph
B. They are not necessary for most graphic design positions
C. They are unlikely to help a student’s job search
D. They should be as clear as possible