





综合写作JH 005音频



The monumental pyramids of ancient Egypt are built of large limestone blocks. Archaeologists have long wondered how the Egyptians were able to transport the large, heavy blocks and lift them to their positions on the pyramids. Some researchers have proposed an ingenious hypothesis: the Egyptians actually created the building locks out of limestone-based concrete rather than carving them out of natural rock. The concrete was a paste made by dissolving natural limestone in water. The concrete paste was then poured into forms where it hardened into solid blocks. Since the concrete blocks could be created on the construction site, transportation and lifting were not a problem. Several findings support this hypothesis.


First, it appears that Egyptians may have used concrete or similar material for other purposes; for example, in making containers such as stone vases. A number of ancient Egyptian stone vases are hollow but have very long and narrow necks. These vases were probably not carved out of solid stone; hollowing them out through the narrow necks would have been impossible. A more likely explanation is that they were created by pouring a concrete like substance into vase shaped forms and letting it harden.


Second, when researchers examined samples from some pyramid building blocks under the microscope, they noticed tiny bubbles in their micro- structure. Such bubbles are almost never present in natural stone, but they are characteristic of concrete that has dried.


Third, the chambers inside the pyramids retain much higher levels of moisture than would be expected in the very dry Egyptian climate. This excess moisture can be explained as a remnant of the water that escaped from the concrete blocks as they dried. The concrete would have been made from a mixture of water and stone; some of the water evaporated as the concrete hardened.





Question:Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they respond to the specific concerns expressed in the reading passage.









Doctor Gupta: We have read studies that explain the negative impact of social media on both children and adults. Many believe that social media will remain widely used in the future, since it is both popular and useful in some contexts, but because of the problems it poses, it should be regulated in some way. In your opinion, should governments regulate social media platforms, or should social media companies requlate their platforms themselves? Why do you think so?


Andrew: I believe social media companies should regulate themselves. There are plenty of social media platforms on the market, so the competition is tough. For example, to appeal to parents, a socia media platform could publicize that they have stringent regulations for children’s use of the platform, and in this way it could attract more users who care about children’s safety.


Claire: Social media companies should be taking an active role in combatting the negative effects, but that is not really happening. l hear many stories of false information spreading around, sometimes causing irreparable damage to people’s reputations. Therefore, the government should put stricter regulations on the companies, and they should be punished for not following the rules.




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