





综合写作ST 004音频





Lions are the only species of large cats that live in groups. Female lions especially tend to band together, forming prides (extended family groups) with their daughters, sisters, and cousins. This unique evolutionary trait must yield important benefits to the survival of the species. Researchers have identified several possible reasons why lions have evolved to live in groups, when most other cats, such as leopards, tigers, and cheetahs, do not.

First, some researchers suggest that female lions have evolved to live in groups because they benefit from feeding their young cooperatively. Within a pride, female lions that give birth around the same time form a nursery group and are almost inseparable for the next one to two years. Long-term observation of lions in the wild confirms that young cubs can nurse (drink milk) from any female in the nursery group, not just their own mother.

Second, lions employ hunting tactics that require group cooperation. Research shows that lions perform highly differentiated roles in group hunts. For example, some lions almost always join a hunt only in its final stages, after other lions have begun chasing the prey. Cooperative hunting seems to be precisely coordinated to maximize the chances of catching challenging prey. Living in groups,therefore, may help lions to obtain food more efficiently.

Finally, some zoologists have proposed that female lions form social groups to defend their cubs from danger. Adult male lions are the biggest threat to cubs. Sometimes a male lion takes over a female group, and when this happens the male attempts to kill all cubs in the group so that the mothers will be ready to mate and reproduce again. Male lions are larger than females, and it takes several females to chase away a male. If males were able to kill cubs frequently, there might not be enough cubs reaching adulthood, so females form groups to repel takeover attempts by males.


our professor is teaching a class on administration.

Write a post responding to the professor’s question.

In your response, you should do the following.

Express and support your opinion.

Make a contribution to the discussion inyour own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100words.

Doctor Gupta

Last week,we started talking about decisionsthat university administrators have to makeregarding spending. They often need to decidehow to allocate their funds, including renovatingexisting facilities, offering new amenities, and soon.For example,auniversity could spendmoney to upgrade a sports stadium, build a newperforming arts center, or do a variety of otherthings. What is the most important thinguniversity administrators should consider whenmaking decisions regarding spending?


I think the university should get input from its students onwhat improvement they want to see on their campus. Infact, they make up the majority of people who will beattending sporting events at a renovated stadium or livemusical theater performances in a new performing arts center.


The university needs to consider how much revenueamenities would generate. Building a new facility orenovating an old one would both be very costly, soadministrators need to think about which option wouldbring in the most money in the future. Generating revenuewould allow the university to fund other improvements tothe campus in the future.



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