


A product life cycle is a series of stages through which a product passes between. older, long-establish products eventually become less popular, while in contrast, the demand for new, more modern goods usually increases. most companies understand product life cycle stages and that the products they sell have a limited lifespan. when products reach what is called the maturity stage, it is time to introduce new methods of product or brand marketing to ensure the continuation of product sales. there are three main methods used to promote sales of aging products.

The first method is to launch a new version of the product thereby appealing to new customers. this is commonly used on well-established brand and products. companies will make small alterations and improvements to appeal to new customers. let’s look at coca-cola for example. when the coca-cola beverage reached maturity and market saturation, marketing managers and sales managers devised new products. these products included sugar-free sodas and diet sodas that appealed to a more health-conscious consumer. by tweaking an existing product to make new changes, coca-cola products were able to find new consumers.

A second method used is to release a related product. this method is often used in conjunction with existing products to help boost sales. companies will create new, related products to appeal to the existing customer base in hopes of increasing sales. for example, a tractor company that manufactures farm and construction equipment will also sell boots. these boots are a related product which carries the same brand name and will appeal to those who purchase a tractor. the boots represent a new avenue of sales and will continue to contribute sales revenue to the company.

A final method is forming a partnership. business partnerships are a valuable resource that is mutually beneficial for all parties involved. this type of partnership is often used to reduce costs or to develop a product that one company would not be able to produce by itself. let’s take a look at an ice cream company and a chocolate company. these two companies formed a partnership to produce chocolate ice cream. for both companies, this new chocolate ice cream product represents a new product and source of sales.




综合写作MM 007音频





In our textbook, we read that parks and other green spaces with trees and plants have numerous benefits for people in cities. But city governments sometimes must choose between using a piece of available land as a green space or using it for other important purposes, such as for shopping areas or for manufacturing plants. In your opinion,

which is the better use for available urban space? Why? 




It’s true that parks can benefit people in cities, especially health-wise. But it’s more important to use the limited space for things that people cannot survive without, like hospitals or clinics. Medical care is often an urgent necessity. Visiting a park is not.



I’m all for creating green spaces for people to enjoy, but you don’t necessarily need an open piece of land to do that. Let the available land be used for business or housing purposes. Green spaces can be created on the rooftops of existing buildings. And new buildings can be constructed creatively to include open spaces with plants and trees.






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