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As with every industry, employers who can provide higher salaries have been extremely successful at attracting qualified and talented employees. raising teacher income has been a proven method of talent retention and has been used in numerous school districts with wide success. teachers attracted by the cash incentive of a signing bonus have also demonstrated increased job satisfaction as well as increased job performance. in light of this evidence, signing bonuses in the education industry should be continued.

Another benefit of providing teachers with a signing bonus is that it helps attract industry experts and professionals from other fields. especially in the case of university professors, many professors are not teachers by trade. rather, they make the transition from industry professional to teacher as a way to supplement their usual income. attracting talented professors from outside the education industry is a great method to ensure that universities are staffed with high-quality instructors. this in turn greatly benefits student learning and befits university enrollment and university qualifications at the same time.

One major problem that exists in schools at every level is the student-teacher ratio. this ratio can be determined by dividing number of students by the number of teachers. in the west, and increasingly in other parts of the world, smaller classes are believed to benefit pupils by providing more individualized attention to each student. in areas where there is a shortage of teachers, student performance has decreased and teacher turnover has increased. by providing new teachers with signing bonuses, schools are able to adequately staff their classrooms and deter teacher resignation caused by staffing problems and overwork.



综合写作MM 005音频


Nowadays, the world is facing a number of pressing environmental problems, and over the next few weeks, we’ll be discussing various innovations that may help solve these problems. To begin our discussion, I’d like you to think of one global environmental problem—for example, it could be related to water, air, land, climate, biodiversity, energy, or something similar. Then explain what you think would be an effective solution to this problem.


One of the major environmental problems is the limited freshwater supply in many areas of the world, which means that we need to find effective technologies to provide people with enough drinking water. One solution is to improve the technology for removing salt from seawater, which could allow us to use seawater to replenish dwindling freshwater supplies. 


I think the biggest problem is the air pollution caused by the overuse of motorized vehicles. The obvious solution is for local governments to promote alternatives, like building bike lanes in cities or improving public transportation with electric buses. Both of these would be easy to implement as well. 


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