雅思阅读第091套P2-Surfs Up

雅思阅读第091套P2-Surfs Up-托您的福
雅思阅读第091套P2-Surfs Up

Surfs Up

There are two major subdivisions of surfing: longboarding and shortboarding. Their respective names represent differences in the type of surfboard used. Longboards are, as the name suggests, much longer and require a different riding style to short-boards.

Surfboards were originally made of solid wood, and were large and cumbersome, often weighing in excess of 100 pounds. Nowadays, they are more commonly constructed out of polyurethane foam making them much lighter, which means better manoeuvrability for the boarder. This is especially beneficial for longboarders, whose boards can measure up to 3 metres in length. Successful longboarders must learn to carry out difficult walking manoeuvres up and down the board so as to set themselves in the optimal position for catching and riding the wave. The lighter the board, the easier it becomes to execute such manoeuvres. Shortboarders, whose boards are usually between 1.8 and 2 metres long, also benefit from greater manoeuvrability though, and are able to turn and adjust more quickly thanks to the lighter boards.

It is claimed that surfing was first observed being enjoyed by native Tahitians in 1767 by European explorers. Later travellers also reported seeing naked locals, both men and women, amusing themselves in the surf off the coast of Hawaii. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the sport is synonymous with the South Pacific and Hawaii in particular. Today, however, the popularity of surfing is such that surf clubs have popped up almost everywhere, from the windy West Coast of Ireland, to the ultrachic Californian beaches. Indeed, it is in Northern California where perhaps the most famous and glamorous surfing takes place.

The prospective surfer would be well-advised to consider the dangers associated with the sport before he takes to the waves. Like all water sports, surfing carries with it the inherent danger of drowning. Although the board itself offers buoyancy, it can also be a hindrance, and a deadly one at that if its leash becomes entangled in a reef, holding the surfer underwater. Ideal water conditions for surfing can be extremely demanding on the body, too, and require the surfer to be an extremely competent swimmer.

Collisions with sandbanks, reefs, surfboards and other surfers can also be extremely hazardous and can lead to concussion – a death sentence if the surfer is not rescued from the water quickly. Although rarer, attacks by marine animals are not uncommon, with sharks, rays, seals and jellyfish posing the greatest threats. You certainly need to be a courageous soul to brave the waves in this sport.

But for those who insist on giving it a go, the rewards can be very gratifying, and it isn’t too expensive to get up and running either. Surf schools in popular destinations offer multi-day beginner and intermediate courses that focus on the basic fundamentals. Five-day courses start from as little as £100 and there are all-inclusive camps, too, which cover accommodation, meals, lessons and equipment. Longboards, given their superior paddling speed and stability, are usually preferred by coaches for use with beginners. Typically, the courses break

down the technique into separate skills: the first one being how to get into position to catch a wave, the second one being how to ride the wave and not fall off. Balance, of course, plays a crucial role, so a lot of time is dedicated to balance training exercises as well.

Difficult though it may be to master the art of surfing, it can also be extremely rewarding, and there are few feelings to compare with the exhilaration of riding out your first wave. So, for those of you daredevil adrenalin junkies who fancy having a go, details of a surf club near you can be found on the British Surfing Association’s website, britsurf.co.uk.

And try to remember as your feet are dangling over the side of the board, Jaws was just a film; it ALMOST certainly won’t happen to you!




Questions 14-19

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.


14Longboards and shortboards

Aoften weigh more than 100 pounds today

Bare usually made out of solid wood.

Crequire surfers to perform difficult walking manoeuvres.

Dare lighter and more manoeuvrable today.


15The sport of surfing

Awas invented by a group of European explorers.

Bwas first observed by native Tahitians.

Cis commonly performed naked by both men and women.

Dwas first practised in the South Pacific.


16Surfing has become very popular

Ain windy coastal areas.

Bon the fashionable west coast of Ireland.

Cin Tahiti in recent years.

Dall around the world.


17Before a novice surfer takes to the water, he should

Acheck the latest weather report.

Bavoid big waves.

Chave good buoyancy.

Dbe aware of the risks involved.


18Although a surfboard can help you stay buoyant, it can also

Aget in the way of your safety in some cases.

Bhelp you escape from dangerous sea life.

Cbe a very dangerous weapon.

Dprevent concussion or death.


19Unless you are pulled from the water quickly, a bad collision can prove

Ahard to escape.





Questions 20-21

Choose TWO letters, A – E.

Which TWO of the following are hazards that surfers face?

Abeing held underwater by reefs.

Bthe potential for shark attacks.

Cfrequent ecounters with jellyfish.

Ddemanding water conditions.

Ehazardous rescue attempts.


Questions 22-23

Choose TWO letters, A – E.

Which TWO of the following are true about surfing?

AIt can become a rewarding career

BIt can be very rewarding as you see yourself improve

CIt can be an adrenalin rush

DIt can be expensive to start

EIt can be dangerous for swimmers around you


Questions 24-26

Complete the table below.


Subdivisions of surfing:




Surfing originated in:

The South Pacific





Common dangers include:

24 _________________

if the board’s leash becomes entangled in a reef, can be deadly




collision &


attacks, by local sealife

Starting cost of five-day courses:

£25 _________________





26 _________________ include:









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