雅思阅读第080套P3-TEAM-BASED LEARNING-托您的福


With the globalisation of information technology (IT) and worldwide access to the Internet, people from all areas of learning are finding themselves using some form of information technology in the workplace. The corporate world has seen a boom in the use of IT tools, but conversely, not enough people with IT skills that can enter the workplace and be productive with minimal on-the-job training.

A recent issue of the New York Times reports that many companies are looking for smart students who may have a budding interest in IT. Some companies, trying to encourage students to attend interviews, provide good salary packages and challenging work environments. For example, one American IT consulting company offers high salaries, annual bonuses, and immediate stock options to potential recruits. It also brings in 25 to 40 prospective applicants at a time for a two-day visit to the company. This time includes interviews, team exercises and social events. The idea behind the team exercises is that the applicants get to see that they will be working with other smart people doing really interesting things, rather than sitting alone writing code.

In the past 10 years, employers have seen marked benefits from collaborative projects in product development. Apart from the work environment, there is also a similar body of research indicating that small team-based instruction can lead to different kinds of desirable educational results. In order to prepare IT graduates to meet these workplace requirements, colleges and universities are also beginning to include team-based educational models.

One of the leaders in promoting team-based education is the American Intercontinental University (AIU), which has campuses worldwide. AIU offers programs in IT with a major portion of the curriculum based on team projects. AIU has a large body of international students and students from different educational backgrounds. This team-based learning gives the students a sense of social and technical support within the group, and allows students firsthand experience of both potential successes and of inherent problems encountered when working with others.

Team-oriented instruction has not been the common mode of delivery in traditional college settings. However, since most college graduates who choose to go into an IT work environment will encounter some form of teamwork at work, it is to their advantage that they are educated using collaborative learning and that they are taught the tools needed to work with different people in achieving common goals or objectives.

In team-based learning, students spend a large part of their in-class time working in permanent and heterogeneous teams. Most teams are made up of individuals with different socio-cultural backgrounds and varying skill levels. Team activities concentrate on using rather than just learning concepts, whilst student grades are a combination of overall team performance and peer evaluation of individual team members.

In a team-based environment, the teacher takes on the role of a facilitator and manager of learning, instead of just providing information to passive students. The facilitator/teacher also guides the team in identifying their goals and establishing standards of team performance. Team exercises then help the students to improve their problem-solving skills by applying theory to simulated real-world situations. Working as a team allows students to adopt new roles and empowers them to control their own learning. Students in teams are taught to use each other as resources and accept the responsibility of managing tasks.

Team members must also study assigned material individually to ensure their preparation for classes. There are individual assessment tests to measure if students have not only read the assigned material, but also understand the concepts of the module, and can apply them to given problems. Additional team assessment tests present a problem for discussion and require consensus, helping students learn critical communication skills. This also enables them to deal with conflicts between members before they escalate to crises. Team presentations (written or verbal) allow the team to focus and build cohesion, with team members sharing the responsibility for presenting and persuading the audience to accept their viewpoint. Feedback on how the team is functioning with task management, team dynamics and overall work is given by the facilitator. Team exercises that are application-oriented help students experience the practical application of concepts and learn from other students’ perspectives.

Team-based classrooms are especially beneficial in colleges with international students. Since this type of learning encourages people to listen and communicate with others, share problems, resolve personal conflicts, and manage their time and resources, it is a great environment for students who are in a new social situation. Since social interaction plays an important role during teamwork, team learning has an added advantage for students who are not comfortable in traditional classroom settings. It allows students from different cultures to understand their differences and use them productively. This type of learning environment also allows students to express themselves freely in a team context, rather than feeling singled out as when answering questions in a traditional classroom.

This learning model was designed to better prepare students for today’s global workplace. Students are encouraged to explore ideas together, to build communication skills and achieve superior results. It is likely that employers will increasingly seek out students with these skills as we move into the future.



Questions 26-32

Complete the summary below.

Choose your answers from the box below the summary.

There are more words than you will need to fill the gaps.

Although IT is one of the leading career choice (example) made by graduates today, the industry’s demand for qualified applicants 26 _________________ the supply of skilled IT personnel. Despite the 27 _________________ widespread use of computer technology in all areas of life, 28 _________________ face difficulties recruiting people whose education has equipped them to commence working productively without further training. Several business organisations now offer income and other 29 _________________inducements to potential employees. They also include group 30 _________________ in their selection procedures, often inviting up to forty 31 _________________ to their company for the two-day visit. In this way the company can demonstrate the reality of the working 32 _________________ which is more likely to involve challenging co-operative projects than individualised tasks.

List of Words
















Questions 33-37

Do the following statements reflect the views of the writer of the passage?




if the statement agrees with the views of the writer


if the statement contradicts the views of the writer


if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this


33 _________________ The American Intercontinental University includes team-based learning in all its courses on all its campuses.

34 _________________ The composition of teams is changed regularly.

35 _________________ Theoretical problems are the most important team activity.

36 _________________ The team members participate in assessment of other team members.

37 _________________ International students prefer traditional classroom learning to team-based learning.

Questions 38-40

Choose one phrase from the list of phrases A-H below to complete each of the following sentences.

There are more phrases than questions so you will not use all of them.

38 ___________ Students’ work is assessed …

39 ___________ The teams make a joint presentation …

40 ___________ The need to achieve consensus assists …



List of Phrases


to compete with other teams as judged by the facilitator.


by individual tests and exams.


to see who has the strongest point of view in the group.


individually, by their peers and as a team.


in the development of communication skills.


to practise working as a group while putting theory into practice.


to assist international and non-traditional students.


in getting to know new friends and colleagues.




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