雅思阅读第006套P3-The Australian Visa Application Process Explained

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雅思阅读第006套P3-The Australian Visa Application Process Explained
雅思阅读第006套P3-The Australian Visa Application Process Explained
雅思阅读第006套P3-The Australian Visa Application Process Explained
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The Australian Visa Application Process Explained

Applications for Australian visas are now accepted online. You should, however, be in possession of the following documents before you embark on the application process: (i) your current passport (valid for at least 6 months at the date of application), (ii) your sponsor and associated nomination approval number or transaction reference number [(ii) only applies to Long-Stay Temporary Business Visa applicants]. In order to proceed online, you should also have up-to-date internet browsers loaded on your computer and an internationally accepted credit card to pay the application charge.

Before embarking on the application process, it is recommended that you understand a little more about what this process entails and the steps involved. That is why this guide has been designed. Please read on to get a better understanding of what will happen next once you start your application.

The first and most important thing to do is to check that the visa you have selected is appropriate to your circumstances. At the start of the online application, you will be asked a number of questions that will help you to confirm that you have chosen the right kind of visa to apply for. Please remember that certain visas are not available to apply for over the internet and may require your presence at your local Australian embassy or consulate should you wish to proceed with your application. In general, however, most people will find that they can apply online as our most common types of visas (working-holiday, student, employer-sponsored, etc.) can be accessed over the internet.

Before starting the application process officially (by clicking the Apply Online button), please read all the accompanying guidelines and information about the type of visa application you have chosen to make. These details will appear on Page 1 of the online application and should be read through thoroughly before the applicant continues and the process officially starts. It is also necessary to accept the terms and conditions before you continue by checking the I Agree box.

Once you have moved on to the actual application form itself, there will be between 5 and 9 short screens to complete, depending on the type of visa you are applying for. As a rough estimate, allow yourself about 4 minutes to fill in the information on each screen. On this basis, it should take you a maximum of about 40 minutes to complete the form. All applications will ask you for your personal details, namely your passport number, travel document details, name and current place of residence, contact information, declarations with respect to your health and character, etc.

Applicants for Long-Stay Business visas will also be asked for details of their business sponsor. Student visa applicants should outline their education history and their intended course of study in Australia. Applicants for Tourist visas should outline their travel plans, reason for visiting and employment status, and so on. Once you have completed all the screens that form part of the application form, answering all questions as truly and honestly as possible, you will be given the opportunity to review the information you have supplied and print a copy of the visa application for reference purposes if you wish.

You are now ready to submit your application, but there is one more thing you must do before the option to submit appears – make the payment. You will be prompted to enter your payment information after you have confirmed that all the details entered in your application are, to the best of your knowledge, true. When the bank accepts payment, a Transaction Reference Number will be automatically generated. You should make a note of this and keep it safe as it should be quoted when making any inquiries related to your application in the future. Once the application has been submitted, you may be prompted to download and print certain health forms, but only if you are applying from overseas (not applicable to those applying from inside of Australia itself). Please follow any other requirements as stipulated on the screen as special pre-entry conditions must be met for some types of visas.

Most applications will be processed electronically and notification will be sent by post or email (whichever method you selected on your application form) within the time frame outlined onscreen during your application. For student visas, that’s about 10 working days. Tourist visas are normally finalised in less than two weeks. Working-holiday visas take no more than 2 days and so on. Occasionally, it may be necessary for a representative from the immigration department to contact you, and, in some cases, further health checks, information, or a formal interview may be required.


Questions 27-36

Complete the flow-chart below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.

(i) Complete the onscreen questionnaire to confirm you have chosen the correct type or visa for your circumstances. REMEMBER

Not all types of visa applications can be accessed 27 ________________

(ii) Click Apply Online. Read the guidelines on Page 1 on how to apply carefully. Then, to start the actual application process, tick the 28 ________________ once you have familiarised yourself with, and if you accept, the 29 ________________ REMEMBER

Allow yourself approximately 31 ________________ at most to complete the form, or 4 minutes for 32 ________________

(iii) You are now in the main application form. You will have to fill in information on between 5 and 9 short screens, depending on which visa you want. Fill in the form carefully and answer all questions 30________________
(iv) 33 ________________ the details you have entered and, if you wish, print a copy of the application for your 34________________

If applying from overseas, you may be prompted to download and complete certain health forms. Follow any requirements stipulated.

(v) Wait to be 35 ________________ , then enter your payment information. Record your 36 ________________ , which will be generated once your bank has accepted the payment request. Now click Submit and your application has gone through.

Questions 37-38

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

37Before starting the online application process, all applicants are expected to hand

Atheir sponsor and nomination approval or transaction reference number.

Ba passport that is six months or less old and a valid credit card.

Ca globally recognised credit card and a passport valid for at least another half a year.

Da valid credit card, passport with six or more months validity left, and your nomination approval or transaction reference number.

38Once an online application has been submitted,

Ayour visa will be approved or rejected within a maximum of 10 working days.

Bit is possible for any applicant to be required to download and print further forms and follow the associated instructions.

Capplicants from outside Australia will be required to download and complete further forms.

Dit will, in most cases, then be handled electronically, and you will be told whether or not it has been successful within the timeframe stated onscreen.

Questions 39-40

Choose the TWO correct letters from A, B, C, D and E.

AStudent visas, tourist visas and working-holiday visas should all take under two weeks to be approved or rejected.

BIt is a requirement of Australian immigration that all those applying for a visa undertake a formal interview.

COfficials from the immigration department may conduct health checks on and/or hold an interview with certain applicants.

DWorking-holiday visa applicants can expect to receive a comparatively fast confirmation of whether or not their application has been successful.

ESuccessful visa applicants have a limited amount of time within which to finalise their travel plans and arrive in Australia.




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