
已售 9






Part 1

Listen and answer questions 1 – 10.

Questions 1 – 10

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.




Part 2

Listen and answer questions 11 – 20.

Questions 11 – 14

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

  • 11 The Treloar Valley passenger ferry

A usually starts services in April.B departs at the same time each day.C is the primary means of transport for local villagers.

  • 12 Which of the following is true about the river cruise?

A It can be combined a train journey.B It’s unsuitable for people who have difficulties in walking.C The return journey takes up to four hours.

  • 13 What information is given about train services in the area?

A Trains run non-stop between Calton and Plymouth.B One section of the rail track is raised.C Bookings can be made via telephone or the Internet.

  • 14 The rover bus ticket

A can be used for up to five journeys a day.B is valid for weekend travel only.C has recently gone down in price.

Questions 15 – 20

Write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 15-20.


15 bus stop

16 car park

17 museum

18 old mill

19 potter studio

20 cafe


Part 3

Listen and answer questions 21 – 30.

Questions 21 – 24

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

  • 21 Lila and Jake chose this article because

A it was on a topic familiar to most students.B it covered both IT and education issues.C it dealt with a very straightforward concept.

  • 22 How did Lila and Jake encourage students to take part in their research?

A They convinced them they would enjoy the experience.B They said it would help them do a particular test.C They offered to help them with their own research later on.

  • 23 Lila and Jake changed the design of the original questionnaire because

A it was too short for their purpose.B it asked misleading questions.C it contained obsolete points.

  • 24 Lila was surprised by the fact that

A the questionnaire returns to be low.B so many students sent back their questionnaires.C the questionnaire response were of such high quality.

Questions 25 – 26

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

  • 25-26 What TWO things did respondents say they liked most about doing the crossword?

A It helped them spell complex technical terms.B It was an enjoyable experience.C It helped them concentrate effectively.D It increased their general motivation to study.E It showed what they still needed to study.

Questions 27 – 28

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

  • 27-28 In which TWO areas did research findings differ from those of the original study?

A student’s interest in doing similar exercisesB how much students liked doing the crosswordC time taken to do the crosswordD gender differences in appreciationE opinion about using crosswords for formal assessment

Questions 29 – 30

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

  • 29-30 What TWO skills did Lila and Jake agree they had learnt from doing the project?

A how to manage their time effectivelyB how to process numerical dataC how to design research toolsD how to reference other people’s workE how to collaborate in research


Part 4

Listen and answer questions 31 – 40.

Questions 31 – 35

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


Questions 31 – 35

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Time perspectives

Time zone Outlook Features & Consequences
Past Positive Remember good times, e.g. birthdays; keep family records, photos, albums, etc.
Focus on disappointments, failures, bad decisions.
Present Hedonistic Live for; seek sensation; avoid pain.
Fatalistic Life is governed by, religious beliefs, social conditions. Life’s path can’t be changed.
Future Prefer work to play. Don’t give it to temptation.
Fatalistic Have a strong belief in life after death and the importance ofin life.

Questions 36 – 40

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

  • 36 We are all present hedonists

A at school.

B at birth.

C while eating and drinking.

  • 37 American boys drop out of school at a higher rate than girls because

A they need to be in control of the way they learn.

B they play video games instead of doing school work.

C they are not as intelligent as girls.

  • 38 Present-orientated children

A do not realise present actions can have negative future effects.

B are unable to learn lessons from past mistakes.

C know what could happen if they do something bad, but do it anyway.

  • 39 If American had an extra day per-week, they would spend it

A working harder.

B building relationships

.C sharing family meals.

  • 40 Understanding how people think about time can help us

A become more virtuous.

B work together better.

C identify careless or ambitious people.




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