Writing | Question 1 of 2
Sea turtles are large, graceful reptiles that swim in the world’s oceans. Unfortunately, sea turtle numbers are in decline, and some sea turtle species are now endangered. Conservation biologists have several suggestions to help reverse the decline in sea turtle populations.
One suggestion is to protect sea turtle eggs from predators by building metal fences around their nests. Sea turtles typically migrate long distances to lay their eggs on specific beaches, guided in their migration by a well-developed magnetic sense. But the unprotected eggs are often eaten beaches, guided in their migration by a well-developed magnetic sense. But the unprotected eggs are often eaten by predators such as dogs. If conservationists erected protective wire fences around the eggs, it would keep predators away and allow young turtles to hatch safely from the eggs.
A second threat to sea turtles is plastic bags, such as those used to carry groceries. Many sea turtles eat these bags, mistaking them for jellyfish (a food source), and die because the plastic blocks their digestive tract. One way of helping sea turtles would be to ban plastic bags, requiring shoppers to use reusable or paper bags instead. This simple change could drastically reduce the number of plastic bags that end up in the ocean, thus removing one of the major threats to sea turtles.
Finally, many sea turtles are killed accidentally when fishing vessels catch them in their nets. Sea turtles breathe air, so when they are trapped in a fishing net that remains underwater for hours, they drown. Fortunately, new nets have been designed with devices called turtle excluders. A turtle excluder allows fish to pass into the net, but it stops large animals like sea turtles. Laws requiring fishers to use turtle excluders would prevent sea turtles from being killed accidentally in the nets.
Your professor is teaching a class on business management. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should do the following.
- Express and support your opinion.
- Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Dr. Achebe:
Recycling and waste management play a significant role in achieving a cleaner planet, but there are more actions individuals can take. Encouraging environmental responsibility is pivotal in fostering a better world. As we discuss the importance of individual contributions to the environment, what additional steps (beyond waste management) do you believe individuals can take to significantly impact the environment positively?
refraining from using plastic bags while shopping and boycotting environmentally unfriendly products like disposable plastics saves time and energy by eliminating the need for recycling. This approach allows for more focus on other impactful eco-friendly measures. It not only conserves resources but also encourages the adoption of sustainable alternatives, contributing to a greener and more efficient lifestyle.
planting trees effectively cleanses the air by absorbing pollutants, promoting cleaner air. Supporting afforestation and reforestation initiatives aids in reducing pollution. These actions offer tangible benefits, purifying the environment. Prioritizing measures to eliminate emitted pollutants directly impacts and improves air quality, showcasing the immediate and crucial role individuals play in environmental conservation.