





Writing | Question 1 of 2

Mangroves are trees that grow along coastlines and in muddy areas containing salt water in tropical and subtropical areas. Mangroves offer many benefits to humans and the ecosystem where they grow, such as providing barriers against tropical storms. A substantial proportion of the world’s mangrove forests have been destroyed in the past few decades. Much of the destruction is due to damage caused by animals or human enterprises such as shrimp farms. Fortunately, experts have recently identified some ways to protect mangroves from animals and shrimp farmers, as well as methods to help restore areas where mangroves have been damaged.

First, although some animals are known to damage mangroves, they can be controlled. Studies show that crabs, for example, like to feed on mangrove seedlings, eating most of the seeds produced by some species of mangroves. One proposal to combat this threat is to remove crabs from vulnerable mangrove areas and prevent them from returning by covering mangrove seedlings with a mesh, or web, that the crabs cannot penetrate.

Second, governments have been successful in preventing destruction of mangroves by shrimp farmers. In one country where it is estimated that over half of the country’s mangroves were destroyed in order to create new shrimp farms, farmers were required to shift to different methods of shrimp farming that do not involve cutting down mangroves. One such method utilizes wetland areas that are some distance away from mangroves, but are still suitable for raising shrimp.

Third, scientists have recently focused their efforts on techniques to help restore mangrove populations in areas that have sustained severe damage. An example of such techniques includes improving

Second, governments have been successful in preventing destruction of mangroves by shrimp farmers. In one country where it is estimated that over half of the country’s mangroves were destroyed in order to create new shrimp farms, farmers were required to shift to different methods of shrimp farming that do not involve cutting down mangroves. One such method utilizes wetland areas that are some distance away from mangroves, but are still suitable for raising shrimp.

Third, scientists have recently focused their efforts on techniques to help restore mangrove populations in areas that have sustained severe damage. An example of such techniques includes improving the quality of soil in areas that once had thriving mangrove populations that later became damaged or disappeared. Since soil quality impacts growth, improving soil quality will definitely help mangrove populations restore themselves.


Your professor is teaching a class on business management. Write a post responding to the professor’s question. In your response, you should do the following. – Express and support your opinion. – Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words. Dr. Achebe Today, we are going to discuss how successful software and tech products are launched and marketed. When companies launch and market these products, early adopters are important. Early adopters are customers who tend to buy the latest products and like to be the first to try out new features and processes. In today’s discussion, I would like you to describe at least one advantage or disadvantage of being an early adopter. Please explain why. Andrew One obvious disadvantage is that early adopters probably pay a lot more for brand – new technology. When products first come out, they’re often quite expensive, but once they’ve been on the market for a while, the price usually drops. That’s why I usually wait to buy new technology. Claire New tech products might not always be more expensive – sometimes the company will give people a new product at a discount in exchange for trying it out and giving feedback on it. In fact, to me, that’s the biggest advantage of being an early adopter – your feedback can guide improvements to a product. That’s a powerful feeling.



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