





Writing | Question 1 of 2

Asian carp, a type of fish introduced to the United States as a food source several decades ago, has become an invasive species causing damage to native ecosystems. The Asian carp population has been spreading, and currently it has almost reached the Great Lakes (a group of five large, connected lakes in the Midwest). If the fish actually enter the Great Lakes and begin to reproduce, the negative effect on the lakes could be severe. Several measures have been proposed to prevent Asian carp from reaching the Great Lakes.

One proposal involves the construction of walls. There are several rivers that flow into Lake Michigan, the Great Lake that the fish are now approaching. Physical barriers could be erected to block off these rivers, creating a permanent separation between the river and the lake. This would prevent the river fish from swimming into the lake.

Another possible solution is to construct electrically charged devices between the river and the lake. These devices would sting the fish when they tried to swim into the lake, forcing them to turn back and swim in the other direction—away from the lake.

The most drastic suggestion involves a two-step process. First, certain toxic chemicals would be used to eliminate all fish, including the carp, in the rivers leading to the Great Lakes. As the second step, biologists would reintroduce fish in these rivers, but only the native fish species. The original ecosystems would thus be recreated without the invasive Asian carp. The toxic chemicals have been previously tested, and in none of the tryout cases were humans or other animals harmed. Also, the water quality remained high enough to support the plant life and other aspects of the river ecosystems that the reintroduced fish rely on to live.


Your professor is teaching a class on business management. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.

In your response, you should do the following.

  • Express and support your opinion.
  • Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Dr. Diaz

Today we will discuss a topic that is important for students and the public at large: namely, how to prioritize spending, given the limited funding available for schools. Some people think schools should spend more money on schoolteachers’ salaries because, if the salaries are improved, more qualified people will be attracted to the profession. Others believe the money should be spent on additional resources such as books and computers. Which viewpoint do you agree with, and why?


I believe that increasing schoolteachers’ pay would increase the quality of education. If they made more money, people would consider teaching as a profession instead of going into private industry. We need our smartest people in the classroom.


I think schoolteachers already make enough money and already deliver high – quality education. I’m not sure that increasing their salaries would have much effect. However, schools are always in need of new equipment or facilities. Knowledge and technology are always growing and changing, and we need to prepare students with the most up – to – date materials possible.


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