





In most species of deer, the males have antlers. These bony, branching structures atop the animal’s head begin growing in the spring and continue developing throughout the

summer and fall. Starting in late winter, the antlers drop off, and the cycle starts all over again in the spring. Why deer grow antlers has long been a source of speculation. Below are three theories about the function of deer antlers.

First, some biologists have proposed that the antlers’main function is to help the animal dissipate excess body heat. It is thought that wind blowing through the antlers cools the blood circulating in them. Antlers contain many blood vessels while they are growing, and a large volume of blood can fill them. Consequently, the antlers allow a lot of blood to be cooled by breezes, keeping the animal from overheating.

A second theory is that antlers-hard, pointy structures- evolved for defense against predators. Animals that evolved horns, a bony structure similar to antlers, clearly use them in self-defense. Just as bulls and male goats use their horns to combat would-be attackers, deer may use their antlers to defend themselves against animals that try to harm them.

According to a third theory, antlers function as a signal used by male deer to communicate their dominance to each other. Specifically, large-size antlers are believed to signal superior strength. According to this theory, males with large antlers are perceived as dominant by males with smaller antlers. Signaling through antlers is supposed to prevent unnecessary fights: according to the theory, when two males confront each other, the one with the smaller antlers will walk away rather than engage in a physical fight against a stronger rival.


Your professor is teaching a class on Business. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.

In your response, you should do the following:

  • Express and support your opinion.
  • Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Dr. Achebe

Today, we are going to discuss how successful software and tech products are launched and marketed. When companies launch and market these products, early adopters are important. Early adopters are customers who tend to buy the latest products and like to be the first to try out new features and processes. In today’s discussion, I would like you to describe at least one advantage or disadvantage of being an early adopter. Please explain why you think this way.


One obvious disadvantage is that early adopters probably pay a lot more for brand – new technology. When products first come out, they’re often quite expensive, but once they’ve been on the market for a while, the price usually drops. That’s why I usually wait to buy new technology.


New tech products might not always be more expensive – sometimes the company will give people a new product at a discount in exchange for trying it out and giving feedback on it. In fact, to me, that’s the biggest advantage of being an early adopter – your feedback can guide future improvements to a product. That’s a powerful feeling.



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