The Russian thistle has an unusual method of spreading its seeds. It lives for a year, and when it dies, the top part of the plant dries up and separates from its roots. This dried tangle of leaves and branches-known as a tumbleweed-is blown along the ground by the wind, releasing seeds as it travels. Russian thistle is not native to the United States but has become established there as an invasive species. Invasive species are often considered harmful, but some scientists point out that this plant offers a number of benefits.
Food for Farmers’Animals
First, Russian thistle can grow in dry areas where many other plants cannot, and it can survive long periods of little or no rain. It also has some nutritional value and can be eaten by large animals such as cows. In times of drought, when other plants cannot grow because of lack of rain, farmers can sometimes help their animals get enough nutrition by feeding them Russian thistle.
Habitat Creation
Second, Russian thistle can grow up to a meter high. As it often grows in regions with no trees, its size sometimes makes it the largest plant in the area. It thus creates valuable habitats for animals that would otherwise have no place to live. Small mammals and birds can take shelter under Russian thistles.
Soil Improvement
Finally, Russian thistle can grow in damaged soil where many native plants cannot. Once Russian thistle begins to grow in damaged soil, a fungus sometimes infects its roots. This fungus does two things. It weakens the Russian thistle, and it benefits certain native plants. As the fungus spreads in the soil, it supports the return of native plants to damaged areas, where they can then grow and flourish in the soil again, thanks to the fungus.
Your professor is teaching a class on Marketing. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should do the following:
- Express and support your opinion.
- Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
Dr. Achebe
This week in class we are learning about different methods of advertising and their effectiveness. One advertising strategy that companies often use is to ask celebrities, famous entertainers, or sports figures to promote their products. However, some experts believe that it is more effective to have ordinary people talk about the product. Which of these two advertising strategies do you think is better?
I like the “ordinary people” approach. People are more interested in a product when they see people like themselves using the product. I think this is even true for clothing advertisements, which traditionally use famous models. People get a better idea of whether they like the clothes when they see all kinds of different people wearing them, and not just models.
I think the use of celebrities is really effective. The first thing an advertisement must do is grab viewers’ attention. When a famous actor or sports figure appears in your advertisement, viewers first notice the celebrity, “what’s this? I really like that person.” they think. Then, once you have the viewers” attention, you can provide information about your product