First,the arrangement of stones at Mystery Hill is similar to that of some stone structures that are well known in Europe.For example,Stonehenge,an ancient monument in England,includes large stones that align with astronomical events,such as the position of the Sun at sunrise on the longest day of the year.Certain stones at Mystery Hill align with the same events in precisely the same way.This same arrangement at both locations suggests that the builders of Mystery Hill were inspired by European monuments.
Second,researchers discovered a large flat stone at Mystery Hill that appears to have an early type of European writing carved into it.The particular writing system,consisting of straight lines,was used by Irish people in Europe,starting about 1,500 years ago.The presence of a stone containing very old European writing at Mystery Hill suggests that Europeans were present at the site long ago.
Finally,archaeologists determined that the large stones at Mystery Hill were quarried, or cut from the ground,and then significantly altered by hammering and burning well over 1,000 years ago.The way in which stones at Mystery Hill were quarried and the methods used to reshape them are similar to quarrying activities and stoneworking methods that were widely practiced in Europe in the distant past.Such methods are not generally associated with ancient Native Americans.
Dr. Achebe
This week we are studying how policy for public schools is created and how it may change overtime. One very important topic for educational policy involves what courses should be taught in schools. Many people believe that new forms of communication and new kinds of employment require that new and different kinds of courses be taught. The question l want you to discuss is whether new, innovative subjects should be taught in public schools.
I firmly believe that public schools should introduce new courses. For example, people are increasingly communicating through sharing photos and videos on the internet. I think a course on video composition – how to create compelling and effective videos – would be highly valuable for today’s students. There are many other similar topics that students could benefit from as well.
However, I don’t believe that high school curriculums need to change drastically. The primary aim of most high school courses is to prepare students for higher education, and those fundamental requirements haven’t changed. If students want to learn something like composition or film editing, they can watch instructional videos on the internet. They don’t need to take classes in school to learn these things.