雅思阅读第311套P3:Kids and Sport-托您的福

雅思阅读第311套P3:Kids and Sport

PART 3 READING PASSAGE 3 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 29-40 which are based on this passage. Kids and Sport Two Italian psychologists, Vincenzo Marte and Giovann...
WS 033C2-托您的福
WS 038L1-托您的福
WS 026L1-托您的福
雅思阅读第310套P1:Sleeping on the job-托您的福

雅思阅读第310套P1:Sleeping on the job

PART 1 READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on this passage. Sleeping on the job North Americans are not a people of the siesta. T...
WS 055L1-托您的福

WS 055L1

听力音频: WS 055听力音频 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzg3MTg0NDM1Ng==&mid=2247503206&idx=3&sn=0a0519c70ae6609537321d1c4c45683b&chksm=cefad20df98d5b1b1d9100...
WS 030C2-托您的福
WS 050L2-托您的福

WS 050L2

听力音频: WS 050听力音频 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzg3MTg0NDM1Ng==&mid=2247502660&idx=6&sn=bf03dc442b80945b12dc8ed59b6c5f26&chksm=cefad42ff98d5d392f44612...
WS 053L1-托您的福

WS 053L1

听力音频: WS 053听力音频 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzg3MTg0NDM1Ng==&mid=2247503206&idx=1&sn=aeb53dce9343f9e9fdff246c91648882&chksm=cefad20df98d5b1bc1cbe70...
WS 055C2-托您的福

WS 055C2

听力音频: WS 055听力音频 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzg3MTg0NDM1Ng==&mid=2247503206&idx=3&sn=0a0519c70ae6609537321d1c4c45683b&chksm=cefad20df98d5b1b1d9100...