2024年08月的文章 第2页

TF阅读真题第765篇The Porcelain Industry at Jingdezhen-托您的福

TF阅读真题第765篇The Porcelain Industry at Jingdezhen

The Porcelain Industry at Jingdezhen Porcelain is a ceramic material that is prized for its translucence, hardness, and smoothness. Porcelainwas first produced in China, perhaps ...
TF阅读真题第764篇The Chemical Defenses of Trees-托您的福

TF阅读真题第764篇The Chemical Defenses of Trees

Woody plants produce a great variety of chemical compounds to provide protection against other plants, diseases, and herbivores (plant-eating animals) big and small. These chemical...
TF阅读真题第763篇Methane Hydrate as a Potential Fuel-托您的福

TF阅读真题第763篇Methane Hydrate as a Potential Fuel

Methane Hydrate as a Potential Fuel   At the bottom of the world's oceans lies a potential source of energy that could provide society with fuel well into the next century. Th...
TF阅读真题第762篇Cool Early Earth Hypothesis-托您的福

TF阅读真题第762篇Cool Early Earth Hypothesis

The oldest Earth rocks known to date, found in Quebec, Canada in 2008, were determined to be about 4.3 billion years old. However, the oldest known materials of the solar system-M...
TF阅读真题第761篇Oil Painting in Renaissance Florence-托您的福

TF阅读真题第761篇Oil Painting in Renaissance Florence

  During the European Renaissance (1300-1600), artists in Florence, Italy, made striking use of oil-based paints, but the development of these paints was part of a long and c...
TF阅读真题第760篇Bird Molt-托您的福

TF阅读真题第760篇Bird Molt

Molt is the process in which birds shed feathers and replace them by growing new ones. It is a costly effort that typically follows breeding in the warmest months of the year and p...
TF阅读真题第759篇Trade and Early State Formation-托您的福

TF阅读真题第759篇Trade and Early State Formation

  Bartering was a basic trade mechanism for many thousands of years; often sporadic and usually based on notions of reciprocity, it involved the mutual exchange of commoditi...
TF阅读真题第758篇The Productivity of Wet Rice Farming-托您的福

TF阅读真题第758篇The Productivity of Wet Rice Farming

  The wet rice fields of Asia are the most productive of all preindustrial intensive agricultural systems. As the term 'wet rice' suggests, the method involves flooding the fi...
TF阅读真题第757篇Water and ocean life-托您的福

TF阅读真题第757篇Water and ocean life

The physical and chemical properties of water, unsurprisingly, determine much about life in the ocean. Water is dense (high mass per unit of volume), about 840 times as dense as ai...
TF阅读真题第756篇Impact of Railroad Transportation in the United States-托您的福

TF阅读真题第756篇Impact of Railroad Transportation in the United States

Both the steamboat and the railroad system with its steam-powered trains revolutionized transport in the United States in the nineteenth century. Entire regions that would hardly h...